Guidelines for Strategy Game Design

Guidelines for Strategy Game Design is a book written by D. Brad Talton Jr, designer of BattleCON, Millennium Blades, Pixel Tactics, Dead by Daylight™: The Board Game, Exceed, and many more.

Each week, a new article is posted containing additional game design advice. Once this blog is complete, a physical edition will be available.

§ 1.3 - Moves are an end unto themselves.

§ 1.3 - Moves are an end unto themselves.

As players pursue the activities you told them about in your pitch, it’s important to let them do those activities! Moves should engage with the activities, not stand between the player and the activities.

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Introduction  - On guidelines, and the use of these tools

Introduction - On guidelines, and the use of these tools

 This is intended to be a manual you can use, on-the-go, as a tool to aid in your design. It attempts to be focused—we won’t go into press techniques, guidelines for working with contractors, tools for prototyping, or anything like that. There are a lot of great resources for these things, but we’re only talking about design.

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